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The recent cyber attacks on Optus and Medibank have put the issue of cyber security firmly in the spotlight, leading Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to launch a secret investigation.

Following complaints that Cyber Security Minister Clare O’Neil was “missing in action,” the former secretary of the infrastructure and regional development department, Mike Mrdak, was asked to assess the government’s action.

“Nine or ten million people have had their data, their personal information potentially compromised. We don’t know much more detail than that because the minister Claire O’Neil is missing in action,” Liberal leader Peter Dutton said in an interview.

It provided information on how to patch up leaks and breaches, better coordinate cyber operations in similar situations in the future, and streamline notification procedures for the privacy commissioner.

Senior government sources acknowledged that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was still reviewing the results after the report was given to Prime Minister and Cabinet Secretary Glyn Davis in November last year.

Senator Penny Wong stated that she anticipated the government would take more steps in response to the Optus and Medibank intrusions after conducting the review.

“I think we all know that this – the Medibank and Optus data breaches – have made people painfully aware of the circumstances that we face and why more needs to be done,” Ms Wong said.

The investigation has come to light amid concerns regarding the division of duties between Home Affairs and the Attorney General following significant reforms to the legislative and executive branches of government made under Mr Albanese’s leadership.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (AUSTRAC) were transferred from Home Affairs to the Department of the Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, after the election, greatly enhancing his authority.

By taking decisive action in launching this investigation, Mr Albanese has shown that the government will not tolerate malicious cyber activity and is committed to ensuring the country’s digital infrastructure remains secure and resilient.

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