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Scamwatch is warning Australians to be on high alert after reports of scam letters claiming to be from Telstra have started appearing in letterboxes around the country.

It is the most recent in a string of scams that prey on Australians who are more vulnerable and claim an overdue debt needs to be paid.

“BEWARE, scammers are using letters like this to convince people to withdraw money and hand it over in person to someone that will collect it from their home,” Scamwatch tweeted. 

“This is a scam. Warn your friends, family, and neighbours.”

The letter has the Telstra emblem in the page’s centre and claims to have come from the “Telstra Technical department” in Melbourne: “This is to inform you that we have examined your network and identified (a) few hackers active in it.”

“We have to run an operation to get rid of them, and we have already notified (sic) you about that.”

The letter informs the addressee that money has been deposited to their bank account and that they must “hand over” the money to a “Telstra agent.” 

“As per the conversation, we have sent $AUD into your bank account, which you have already taken for this operation,” the letter reads.

The sender then requests the recipient’s assistance in tracking the “hackers” and compliance with any subsequent directives from a “technician.”

The request to “not disclose” the letter to anybody because it is a “secret mission” already raised red flags.

According to Scamwatch, Australians lost more than $381 million to scams by August 2022, up from $324 million in 2021.

Defending clients from criminal fraudsters who  “regularly find new ways to scam and circumvent Australian laws,” according to a Telstra representative, is a commitment of the telecom.

If you have any doubts about an offer or request, check with the relevant authorities before taking action. 

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