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The pandemic forced the world to adapt to hybrid working environments, with many workers operating outside the traditional network infrastructure and security. Hackers now focus on the vulnerability of individuals working remotely instead of targeting corporations. This change brought more challenges in detecting and mitigating threats and cyber attacks.

The cybersecurity industry is constantly innovating and developing new tools and solutions to address these different threats. However, according to ThreatQuotient Chief Marketing Officer Marc Solomon, in cybersecurity, the more things change, the more they are the same.

Solomon notes that “we keep searching for that silver bullet, but there is no silver bullet in security.” cybersecurity companies often look at specific security challenges instead of the bigger picture. “The bad guys look at the entire playing field. Defenders need to as well.” Solomon adds.

Most players in the industry are too focused on developing tools to address specific security issues. Often, these tools do not work well with other tools addressing other security issues. Solomon proposes that cybersecurity experts shift perspective and handle the case on a broader aspect, allowing different tools to work together in a singular model or architecture.

Recently this idea of making solutions work together to form a cybersecurity architecture has been seriously considered in the world of cybersecurity. Tech research and consulting firm Gartner raised the concept of Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA) in its published Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2022 report.

CSMA is defined as “a composable and scalable approach to extending security controls, even to widely distributed assets.” The design will allow for a more flexible and resilient security ecosystem rather than having multiple security silos.

The mesh approach to cybersecurity will allow consumers to have a more robust security system which would help them close the gaps and remove vulnerabilities in their current systems. Though still in the early stages of development, consumers will be looking forward to a more rounded approach to protecting themselves in the future.

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