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Queensland’s government agencies are under attack from hackers using phishing emails to try and gain access to sensitive information.

The hackers have targeted 1,300 Queensland public servants. The emails are being sent to employees of various agencies, and they appear to come from legitimate sources. However, the links in the emails lead to fake websites designed to steal login credentials.

“These emails are very convincing and look like they’ve come from a legitimate source. However, the links in the email lead to a fake website designed to steal your login credentials,” said a spokesperson for the Queensland Police Service.

“We urge everyone to be vigilant when opening emails and to never click on links or attachments from unknown sources.”

The Queensland Government has warned all agencies and businesses to be on the lookout for these phishing emails and not to click on any links or open any attachments they are not expecting.

If you receive such an email, delete it immediately and do not respond. If the hackers have these login credentials, they can access the victim’s account and any sensitive data.

This is just the latest in a string of attacks launched against government agencies in recent months. In October, the Australian Federal Police were targeted by hackers who used a phishing email to try and gain access to their systems.

And in September, the Reserve Bank of Australia was also hit by a phishing attack.

These attacks highlight the importance of cyber security for all organisations, not just government agencies. All businesses need to be aware of the risks posed by cybercriminals and take steps to protect themselves.

This includes having strong passwords, using two-factor authentication, and being vigilant when opening emails and clicking on links.

If you think you may have fallen victim to a phishing attack, change your passwords immediately and contact your IT department or security team.

Hackers are constantly evolving their methods. Keep an eye on all the latest security threats. By being aware of the risks and taking steps to protect yourself, you can help to keep your organisation safe from cyber attacks.

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