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Proxyrack, a proxy network provider, conducted research involving different countries to rank them in terms of cybercrime cases.

Among the top 10 countries subject to cybercrime risks, Malaysia ranked 10th and the United Kingdom as the highest, having 450 victims per 100,000 people. Succeeding the UK are the United States (2nd), Canada (3rd), and Australia in 4th place.

“Everyone knows the importance of staying safe online, and amongst all the great things that the internet has brought us, it has also presented opportunities for hackers and scammers to make an illegitimate living,” mentioned Proxyrack.

The company suggests ways on how users can create a protective cyber wall to avoid these untoward incidents such as hacking and phishing.

One can either use a residential proxy or anti-virus software. A residential proxy is an intermediary that serves as protection from general web traffic. Using this, you can also choose a specific place or country to surf the web as if you are in the area in real-time.

“Despite these techniques, in the United States alone, there was a total loss of $18.7 billion, which shows just how dangerous the online world can be. “That’s why we wanted to find out the states and countries that are most at risk from cybercrime, as well as the states which have lost the most money to cybercrime,” noted Proxyrack, adding that it “also wanted to find out which types of cybercrime were the most common.” 

Australia has, all-in-all, 26,298,397 citizens, and 2,204 of the total population have experienced being a victim of cybercrime

As individuals’ source of income shifts online, scammers and hackers are also devising new ways to take the opportunity. Thus, it is vital to take personal privacy protection measures and always think twice before you click.

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