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While everyone is busy for New Year’s Eve, Slack updated its users regarding unauthorised access.

“On 29 December 2022, we were notified of suspicious activity on our GitHub account.”

A recent data breach at Slack was reported on their blog on New Year’s Day. Unknown threat actors could access Slack’s external GitHub repository using employee tokens stolen from the company and download part of its code.

For context, a code repository is an archive of software code. It contains all the notes, web pages, and documentation and keeps track of and records all changes.

This is an alarming incident as it could have severe consequences for both the company and its customers. The stolen code could be used to create malicious software and contain sensitive data such as customer details or even Slack’s internal systems.

However, in Slack’s defence, they said:

“When notified of the incident, we immediately invalidated the stolen tokens and began investigating potential impact to our customers,” The attacker did not gain access to client data, according to Slack’s statement, and users are not required to take any action.

“Based on currently available information, the unauthorised access did not result from a vulnerability inherent to Slack. We will continue to investigate and monitor for further exposure,” Slack Team added.

Overall, the incident serves as a warning to businesses of all sizes that data breaches can occur at any time and that it is crucial to take precautions to protect client information. Businesses need to stay on top of the game and ensure their data is secure as technology advances and hackers grow more skilled. Companies can prevent potential breaches by taking the required safeguards and exercising care.

Slack encourages its customers to reach them through their email if there are additional queries. 

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