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Knowing how to spot a scam is essential, as fraudsters are persistently creating new methods of deception.

Impersonation scams, which target customers in particular, according to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), remain one of the most prevalent scams today.

Beware of callers claiming to have an issue with your Amazon account and insisting you provide personal information or else money will be stolen from it. Do not give out personal details under such circumstances, and stay vigilant.

Suppose you receive suspicious phone calls, emails, or texts claiming unauthorised activity on your bank account. In that case, they may attempt to access personal details to verify your identity. Do not provide this information, as it could lead to fraud and other fraudulent activities against your account.

Potential fraudsters may contact you and falsely claim to be from the NBN technical support team, claiming a problem with your internet connection. Don’t fall for it! They are likely attempting to gain access to your computer and personal information.

Be wary of fraud that closely resembles the NBN scam. Imposters allegedly working for technical support will call to inform you of supposed issues with your service or internet connection in an attempt to gain access to your computer and personal information.

In December 2020, the Australian Communications and Media Authority implemented new regulations that require corporations to recognise, trace and block fraudulent calls to protect consumers. 

So far this year, their efforts have been fruitful, with nearly 48 million scam SMS stopped in July-September alone. These regulations are proving successful in keeping communities both safe and informed.

All consumers need to exercise caution when dealing with companies by phone or online,” ACMA chair Nerida O’Loughlin said.

Many businesses clearly state they will not contact you out of the blue or send messages with links seeking financial information or personal details, so always treat these calls with caution,” ACMA chair Nerida O’Loughlin added. 

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