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Based on recent global events like the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the evolution of workplace practices, Blackberry shares key trends for Australia and New Zealand and provides insights into cyber security.

With the inevitable device of the company, Blackberry soon altered its course. It left the world of smartphone manufacturing and entered cyber security because it was known to have security measures, which is why it was once the go-to device for government and corporate users.

Charles Eagen, chief technology officer at Blackberry, notes, “Currently, BlackBerry has two main business units, a cybersecurity business unit and an IoT business unit within the cybersecurity business unit.”

Blackberry’s technology can be found in smartphone applications, mobile banking websites, and even in communication within connected and autonomous cars. CEO John Chen says the technology is in about 215 million vehicles globally.

As the year draws to a close, the company published its predictions about what 2023 could look like. Jonathan Jackson, APJ director of Engineering for Blackberry, notes, “As cyber criminals and nation-states increasingly team up. Attacks will increase in scale, severity and type to take advantage of outdated security architectures, the human skills gap and software supply chain vulnerabilities. Organisations undergoing digital transformation, particularly in healthcare, will be the most at risk unless they combine cybersecurity upskilling and outsourcing with behavioural analytics and AI to improve visibility, prevention, and response to cyber threats in 2023 and beyond.”

The company predicts that cybercriminals will carry out more advanced and targeted attacks to maximise financial impact and harm to businesses, the government, and society.

Blackberry also predicts that hospitals and healthcare organisations will be hit with attacks as threat actors continue to see hospitals and healthcare companies as mines of data that can be used to extort ransom. The company also noted that as the scale of cyber crimes increases, so too will the gap in cybersecurity skills increase. Blackberry stated that there need to be more experts in the market to manage the growing scale of cyber risks.

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