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In recent years, data sovereignty has become an increasingly critical issue for businesses operating in Australia. With the introduction of updated laws and regulations governing the handling of personal data, companies must ensure that their data is stored and managed in compliance with these requirements.

Macquarie Data Centres is one of Australia’s leading data storage and management services providers. The company has a long history of commitment to data sovereignty, and its facilities are purpose-built to meet the highest standards of security and privacy.

According to David Hirst, CEO of Macquarie Data Centres, “When you have a major cyber incident, people start to question where the data resides, who has control of the data and who can gain access to the data. I think that’s the difference between data residency, which is data being in Australia, and data sovereignty, where legal jurisdictions reside. Even though it’s in Australia, there are multiple legal jurisdictions.”

Macquarie Data Centres’ state-of-the-art infrastructure provides customers with peace of mind that their data is safe and secure. The company’s comprehensive security measures include physical security, fire protection, and 24/7 monitoring and surveillance.

The Australian Government recognised Macquarie Data Centres’ dedication to data sovereignty, which awarded the company a “Highly Commended” rating in its most recent Data Security Review.

“It’s not just the data, but the environment. It extends beyond that nucleus of what’s inside the data centre to how the entire environment matters. I think that’s one of the key challenges for providers today. And being able to say that we have a sovereign service and cleared engineers that have been through the security vetting process creates a bit of a differentiating factor for us. We’re also able to deliver the standards that sit around the data centre from a compliance perspective, whether they be local government standards, federal government standards, or a range of security compliance, that you can expect to be embedded into the way that the business operates,” explained Paul Christensen, GM of Data Centres & Security at MDC.

The company’s commitment to data sovereignty is underpinned by its investment in world-class infrastructure and its team of highly skilled and experienced staff. With Macquarie Data Centres, businesses can be confident that their data is safe.

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