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Hackers have compromised 10 million client records and, worse, released some of the most confidential ones online.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) has blamed Russia for harbouring the hackers who targeted local health insurer Medibank.

“This was a sophisticated, planned, and well-resourced attack on Australian businesses and individuals by a state actor,” said AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin.

The attack on Medibank affected approximately 10 million customer records and resulted in the loss of personal data, including health information.

The Australian Government has asked Russia to extradite the hackers responsible for the attack. However, it is unlikely that Russia will comply with the request.

The leak of client data, some of which contained sensitive details about health services customers obtained using their insurance, occurred when Medibank declined to pay a ransom to protect the data, claiming that doing so would jeopardise users’ safety.

“We believe that those responsible for the breach are in Russia,” AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw said Friday afternoon, Australian time.

According to Kershaw, the attack was carried out by “a loosely linked group of cyber thieves who are likely responsible for other big breaches in nations around the world.”

That term accurately represents the infamous cyber gang REvil. On the other hand, Kershaw did not name a single entity as the culprit of the attack. “We believe we know which individuals are responsible, but I will not be naming them,” he said. “I will say that we will be holding talks with Russian law enforcement about these individuals.”

If the attackers are state-sponsored, they are likely motivated by Russian hostility toward Australia’s assistance to Ukraine, including the shipment of military vehicles, humanitarian aid, and training for Ukrainian forces. Russia has also been incensed by Australia’s role in blaming it for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which was carrying 38 Australian residents and citizens when a Russian missile shot it down.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s well-documented propensity for wreaking chaos has found a new outlet at Medibank.

Australian officials have condemned Russia’s role in the disaster. Before Kershaw’s comments, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese indicated that Russia “should also be held liable for the… breach of material, particularly extremely private and personal information.”

Claire O’Neill, Minister for Cyber Security, referred to the attackers as “cyber criminals,” describing their activities as “sickening and morally reprehensible.”

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