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Welcome, security researchers! 

In an era where data breaches are becoming increasingly common, companies are doing whatever they can to secure their systems. One way they’re doing this is by encouraging hacking attempts from security researchers.

Starlink, a satellite internet provider, is the latest company to do this. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is urging responsible researchers to hack into its satellite internet network. It offered to pay up to $25,000 for discovering bugs in the service.

“We allow responsible security researchers to do their testing, and we provide monetary rewards when they find and report vulnerabilities,” SpaceX said in the document.

The announcement was made public following reports that a $25 low-cost device had allowed a security researcher to exploit Starlink. Lennert Wouters said he did the test to see if there were potential vulnerabilities in Starlink’s network as part of SpaceX’s bug bounty program, where researchers can submit their findings.

The news of the bug bounty program comes as SpaceX is gearing up to offer satellite-based internet service to the general public. The company has already launched more than 800 satellites and has plans to launch thousands more.

“We find the attack to be technically impressive and is the first attack of its kind that we are aware of in our system,” says SpaceX’s representative. “Wouters’ homemade circuit board won’t affect SpaceX’s satellites and shouldn’t worry any Starlink users,” the company added.

So far, the company has been tight-lipped about its security efforts, but this latest move shows that it’s taking the issue seriously. With the number of satellites set to increase, we’ll likely see more hacking attempts in the future.

This is a bold move from Starlink, but it could pay off. Inviting researchers to try and hack their system makes them more likely to find any vulnerabilities before anyone with malicious intent does.

As companies like SpaceX continue to push the envelope with their technology, it’s essential that they also take steps to ensure the security of their systems. Bug bounty programs are a great way to do this, and we hope to see more companies follow SpaceX’s lead.

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