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Clare O’Neil, the Minister for Home Affairs, has charged her department with re-launching the country’s cyber security strategy.

“We aim to make Australia the safest place to do business online,” O’Neil said in a statement on Wednesday.

The strategy is welcome, but the government is clearly facing significant challenges in this area.

The first challenge is to convince the public that there is a problem. A recent poll found that only 12% of Australians consider cyber security grave. This is even though Australia has been hit by several high-profile cyber attacks in recent years, including the Wannacry ransomware attack and the Yahoo data breach.

The second challenge is to convince businesses to invest in cyber security. A recent survey found that only 19% of Australian businesses have a dedicated cyber security budget. This is even though cybercrime is estimated to cost the Australian economy $1 billion annually.

The re-launch of the cyber security strategy is a step in the right direction. Still, the government has its work cut out for it if it is to convince the public and businesses that cyber security is a priority.

O’Neil said the revised strategy would focus on four key areas:

  • Improving Australia’s cyber security posture
  • Reducing the impact of cybercrime
  • Building a vibrant and resilient cyber economy
  • Improving international engagement on cyber security.

The new and enhanced Cyber Security strategy will also seek to capitalise on Australia’s “strengths and talents” in the cyber security sector. O’Neil said Australia had world-leading experts in cyber security and that the government wanted to build on this strength.

“We have an opportunity to be a leader in the global race to secure cyberspace – an increasingly important domain for our economy, society and way of life,” she said.

Furthermore, O’Neil said the government was committed to working with industry and the community to improve Australia’s cyber security.

“We recognise that no single organisation or individual can address these challenges alone – it requires a whole-of-nation effort,” she said.

The government is earmarked to working with industry and the community to improve Australia’s cyber security posture and reduce the impact of cybercrime. The re-launching of the Cyber Security strategy will be a crucial step in this effort.

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